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Mobile usage is rising: How to embrace the opportunity?

Why go mobile?

Lately, we have witnessed a real switch in Internet usage: smarphones and tablets have revolutionized how people go online.

“Tablet computers will be used in 40 per cent of homes by next year as the time spent accessing mobile internet rises to more than four hours a week.” (The Australian, March 2012).

“Google Australia has released data showing a dramatic 220 per cent increase in retail queries via mobiles year over year. (…) One quarter of all Christmas shopping-related Google searches in 2011 came from mobiles” (Sydney Morning Herald).

Having more than a desktop website is an opportunity for businesses. Is your website mobile-friendly? Make sure you are not ignoring a part of your target!

We have compiled useful information to help you realizing how mobile is important for your business.

On September 2011, Google and Ipsos revealed a study of the impacts of smartphones on Australian consumers.



Since then, we can watch mobile Internet usage growing and it will overtake desktop Internet usage. This study predicts the mobile usage in Australia (and other Asian countries) up to 2015:

Present and Future Mobile Data Use in Asia & Australia


Meanwhile, social media usage is also rising. “Australians are one of the highest users of social media networks in the world” (Malcolm Alder, National Managing Partner for KPMG’s Digital Economy practice, August 2011). Combined with mobile usage, this created a new trend for businesses: SoLoMo for SOcial, LOcal, MObile.

How to go mobile?

This infographic is based on American usage, but it still gives an idea about the two different options to choose to go mobile. According to your objectives, you will get an idea about whether a Mobile Website or a Mobile App is suiting better your mobile project.

Should You Build a Mobile App or Mobile Website? [infographic by MDG Advertising]

Infographic by MDG Advertising


Do you want to go a step further and have a mobile solution for your business?

If you go for a mobile application, check out our series of article starting with a process to help you develop your app!

From the compatibility of your website on mobile devices to the creation of a dedicated application, we have solutions for you and we can help you for your project. Do not hesitate to contact us!